Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fashion - SRSBZNZ Style

In honor of io9.com's hilarious gallery of "sexy costumes," we thought it would be fun to highlight some of the memorable outfits worn by the leading ladies of sci-fi and fantasy. Here are three costumes that made our list (the entirety of which is far too long for one post):

Six from Battlestar Galactica

When Tricia Helfer appeared in the opening scene of BSG with this slinky red number, her blatant sex appeal left audiences dazed and drooling. From the tight fit to the vivid hue, Six's dress immediately told us that she was a femme fatale: a seductive Eve to Gaius Baltar's Adam, if you will. Her outfit also pulled double duty by showing us that Cylons had evolved into sensual, complex beings, thus further blurring the divide between mankind and their destroyers.

Dame Vaako from The Chronicles of Riddick

Dame Vaako, wife to the Necromongers' second-in-command (played by a delicious Karl Urban) is her universe's Lady MacBeth. Aside from cementing our girl crush on Thandie Newton, this dress - particularly its scaly, croc-like texture - warns us that Dame Vaako is definitely not the cuddly type. Her naked ambition and desire for the Necromonger throne is also accurately reflected in the golden color of her dress.

Ellen Ripley from Aliens

In a recent InStyle magazine, Sigourney Weaver described this moment in the movie as reminiscent of "Beauty and the Beast." The alien is "curious and aroused" by this "pink thing." Enough said.


  1. i like what'sherface from x-men. you know, that model in the paint. i am totally blanking right now.

  2. ooh, good call. i totally know who you're referring to, but i can't think of the name either. =/

  3. I have a dress like six's. Although mine is a halter top rather than strapless, good to know I have tradtional sci-fi tastes.

  4. Her name's Rebecca Romaijn (or Romiane, or however you spell it).
