Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Whaaaat: the Texts From Last Night Edition

If you're thinking of finally getting out of your basement and becoming a regular member of society by engaging in the practice of imbibing alcoholic beverages, dancing drunkenly, and then waking up to a complete stranger this weekend, SRSBZNZ would like to offer a friendly reminder of what happens when geeks combine texting and alcohol.

Texts Involving "Zombies"

(203): We planned for the zombie apocalypse. In great detail. Of course there was booze involved.

(850): Did you dl zombie porn on my computer?

(704): "Tonight I'm turning swine flu into an std." this might be how zombies came about. Peace civilization.

Texts Involving "Star Trek"

(727): She called me "Spock" and proceeded to ask me to "teach her the ways of the force." I just couldn't do it after that. No way am I f*cking a girl who can't tell the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.

(413): Somewhere out there, someone is getting laid. And then theres [sic] me, watching Star Trek porn while my roommate plays World of Warcraft next door.

And SRSBZNZ's personal favorite:

(540): what do you have against ST

Texts Involving "Avatar"

(484): the only thing i can think of after seeing avatar is "when are they gonna make avatar porn?"

(419): is it weird that i found myself thinking of that blue chick from Avatar while she gave me head after the movie?

Texts Involving "Harry Potter"

(818): i woke up this morning and the first thing i saw was the harry potter tattoo on his left butt cheek.

(720): You can't like Harry Potter and Twilight. You have to pick. Vampires and wizards are mutually exclusive.

And again, SRSBZNZ's personal favorite:

(860): You were so drunk that some guy dressed as Harry Potter pointed his wand at you and screamed "Accio SHITSHOW"

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