Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wednesday is For the Ladies: Idiocy is SRSBZNZ

Since this blog calls itself "The Twentysomething Girl's Guide to Sci-Fi and Fantasy," we thought we might start using our Wednesday posts to write things that connect twentysomething-year-old girls with, well, sci-fi and fantasy. This week, we would like to discuss Stupid Behavior By Young Women and its role in the sci-fi and fantasy genre (not to mention the countless other genres - including our local news - that employ this strategy to scare the pants off us on a nightly basis).

We know the scene all too well: young girl, driving by herself at night on a deserted road, stops for some reason or other, and is kidnapped, raped, murdered, you name it. We know that you, dear readers, are too intelligent to do this, because WHO GETS OUT OF THEIR CAR AT NIGHT ON A DESERTED ROAD AND LEAVES THE KEYS IN THE IGNITION (why, yes, we are thinking of a specific televised scene right now, how did you know?), but we just want to remind you of the dangers. Sci-fi shows loooove to use this sort of unwise behavior as an excuse for you to get shot by a crazy-advanced alien gun, because sci-fi writers are all boys, and you know how boys love their guns (both of the literal and the figurative sort). See also: murder shows wherein you get shot and die, local news wherein you get shot and die, Heroes wherein Sylar cuts your head open and steals your ability, or any of the above and carjacking. Trust us, you do NOT want to be stranded on a deserted road with no phone and no car. So please, ladies. Don't stop the car. Call 911 as you drive to the nearest public place, and let the police know where you will be.

This has been your public service announcement for the day.

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